My exam turned up only that my blood pressure was slightly high. At my request we took a lipid panel and also checked for diabetes since my father has type 2. The panel came back with my cholesterol and triglyceride levels as being high. I'd thought that they would be starting me on statins but instead prescribed something called Lovaza. This is basically a fish oil pill available only via prescription due to how strong it is compared to over the counter fish oil pills. I've been on it a little over a week now. The week I wasn't feeling well I had changed my diet to being almost all vegetarian and have kept it that way. Those two things and the onslaught of exercise I had to perform at work has helped me feel a whole lot more normal that I've felt in a while. Funny how you sometimes don't realize what's missing until you get it back.
Things are going great at work, not that they've ever been bad. Difficult at times yes, but not bad. One of the nicest things is that there isn't pressure to turn out a product like there was in my former career. It's understood that the goals we're working towards will take as long as they take. Resources notwithstanding we usually have what we need, but are resourceful enough to come up with (creative) alternatives.
I was on the verge of writing a post about how lonesome I've felt lately; even though it's been a partially self imposed thing. In the end I felt that it would be a woe is me post and I want to steer away from indulging in that kind of a feeling. It makes for a shitty read and more importantly has often and historically led me nowhere.
I'm coming up on my one year anniversary of my new trailer. I've had a few things break that weren't built as sturdy as I'd thought, but my repairs are definitely improvements on the original design. I remember reading about how much better your rig will be after living in it for a few years. This has proven to be the case both times.
Looking forward I've got an upcoming visit from my aunt and uncle next month. This aunt in particular was the one who heard out my reasons for wanting to change not just careers but my entire way of life. She encouraged and got me to ask the right questions whenever I would start to doubt myself. I can't wait to show her where I live now and the work I'm doing.