
the beagle has landed

After almost two days and fourteenhundred uneventful miles later, we arrived safe and sound yesterday around four pm local time. I unloaded the trailer in record time only to learn that the place where I turned it in  at would be open for at least three hours longer last night. The only possible complaints I had about this trip is the now raw and runny nose I got from sleeping in a cold truck Friday night. First world problems, something I can happily deal and live with!

Saturday morning in New Mexico
The beagle exploded out of the truck as she ran then jumped all over (in this order) my mother, father, and cousin Oreo. The emotional rave lasted about ten minutes before finally settling into respectable yet composed tail wag. Cousin Oreo led B inside where the the girls shared a meal and some water. Almost the entire scene was repeated about 2 hours later when my sister and nephew arrived.

Aftermath of the emotional rave
Every single time!

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